Source code for omnicanvas.canvas

"""This module contains the main Canvas class."""

from .colors import process_color
from . import graphics
from . import svg

[docs]class Canvas: """A backdrop on which other :py:class:`.Graphic` objects are painted. :param width: The canvas's width in pixels. :param height: The canvas's height in pixels. :param background_color: The canvas's background colour - the default is\ white""" def __init__(self, width, height, background_color=None): if isinstance(width, float): width = round(width) if not isinstance(width, int): raise TypeError("Width must be numeric, not '%s'" % width) self._width = width if isinstance(height, float): height = round(height) if not isinstance(height, int): raise TypeError("Height must be numeric, not '%s'" % height) self._height = height if background_color is None: self._background_color = None else: self._background_color = process_color(background_color) self._graphics = [] def __repr__(self): return "<Canvas %i×%i (%i Graphics)>" % ( self._width, self._height, len(self._graphics) )
[docs] def width(self, width=None): """The canvas's width in pixels. Passing a value will update the width property. :param width: If given, the canvas's width will be set to this. :rtype: ``int``""" if width is None: return self._width else: if isinstance(width, float): width = round(width) if not isinstance(width, int): raise TypeError("Width must be numeric, not '%s'" % width) self._width = width
[docs] def height(self, height=None): """The canvas's height in pixels. Passing a value will update the height property. :param height: If given, the canvas's height will be set to this. :rtype: ``int``""" if height is None: return self._height else: if isinstance(height, float): height = round(height) if not isinstance(height, int): raise TypeError("Height must be numeric, not '%s'" % height) self._height = height
[docs] def background_color(self, background_color=None): """The canvas's background colour, as a hex string. Passing a value will update the background_color property (as a hex string). :param str background_color: If given, the canvas's background_color \ will be set to this. :rtype: ``str``""" if background_color is None: return self._background_color else: self._background_color = process_color(background_color)
[docs] def graphics(self): """A list of all the :py:class:`.Graphic` objects on this canvas. :rtype: ``list``""" return list(self._graphics)
[docs] def get_graphic_by_name(self, name): """Searches the canvas's :py:class:`.Graphic` objects and returns the first one with a matching name. Returns ``None`` if there are no matches. :param str name: The name to search by. :rtype: str""" if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError( "Can only search for str name, not '%s'" % str(name) ) for graphic in if == name: return graphic
[docs] def get_graphics_by_name(self, name): """Searches the canvas's :py:class:`.Graphic` objects and returns all the ones with a matching name. Returns an empty list if there are no matches. :param str name: The name to search by. :returns: ``list`` of :py:class:`.Graphic`""" if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError( "Can only search for str name, not '%s'" % str(name) ) return [g for g in if == name]
def move_graphic_forward(self, graphic): if not isinstance(graphic, graphics.Graphic): raise TypeError("%s is not a Graphic" % str(graphic)) if not graphic is[-1]: index = self._graphics[index], self._graphics[index + 1] = ( self._graphics[index + 1], self._graphics[index] ) def move_graphic_backward(self, graphic): if not isinstance(graphic, graphics.Graphic): raise TypeError("%s is not a Graphic" % str(graphic)) if not graphic is[0]: index = if index == -1: raise ValueError("%s is not a Graphic in %s" % ( graphic, self )) self._graphics[index], self._graphics[index - 1] = ( self._graphics[index - 1], self._graphics[index] )
[docs] def add_rectangle(self, *args, **kwargs): """Adds a :py:class:`.Rectangle` to the canvas. :param x: The x-coordinate of the Rectangle's upper left corner. :param y: The y-coordinate of the Rectangle's upper left corner. :param width: The Rectangle's width. :param height: The Rectangle's height. :param str fill_color: The Rectangle's interior colour. :param opacity: The degree of transparency, from 0 to 1 (0 being\ invisible). :param line_width: The width of the edge of the Rectangle in pixels. :param str line_style: The pattern of the edges. Acceptable values are\ ``-`` (default), ``..`` (dotted) or ``--`` (dashed). :param str line_color: The colour of the edge. :param tuple rotation: Any rotation to be applied, in the format\ (x of rotation point, y of rotation point, angle). :param dict data: Any data to be associated with the Rectangle. :rtype: :py:class:`.Rectangle`""" self._graphics.append(graphics.Rectangle(*args, **kwargs)) return self._graphics[-1]
[docs] def add_line(self, *args, **kwargs): """Adds a :py:class:`.Line` to the canvas. :param x1: The x-coordinate of the Line's start point. :param y1: The y-coordinate of the Line's start point. :param x2: The x-coordinate of the Line's end point. :param y2: The y-coordinate of the Line's end point. :param line_width: The width of the Line in pixels. :param str line_style: The pattern of the Line. Acceptable values are\ ``-`` (default), ``..`` (dotted) or ``--`` (dashed). :param str line_color: The colour of the Line. :param tuple rotation: Any rotation to be applied, in the format\ (x of rotation point, y of rotation point, angle). :param dict data: Any data to be associated with the Line. :rtype: :py:class:`.Line`""" self._graphics.append(graphics.Line(*args, **kwargs)) return self._graphics[-1]
[docs] def add_polygon(self, *args, **kwargs): """Adds a :py:class:`.Polygon` to the canvas. :param \*points: The alternating x and y values of the Polygon's\ corners. :param str fill_color: The Polygon's interior colour. :param opacity: The degree of transparency, from 0 to 1 (0 being\ invisible). :param line_width: The width of the edge of the Polygon in pixels. :param str line_style: The pattern of the edges. Acceptable values are\ ``-`` (default), ``..`` (dotted) or ``--`` (dashed). :param str line_color: The colour of the edge. :param tuple rotation: Any rotation to be applied, in the format\ (x of rotation point, y of rotation point, angle). :param dict data: Any data to be associated with the Polygon. :rtype: :py:class:`.Polygon`""" self._graphics.append(graphics.Polygon(*args, **kwargs)) return self._graphics[-1]
[docs] def add_text(self, *args, **kwargs): """Adds a :py:class:`.Text` to the canvas. :param x: The Text's x location. :param y: The Text's y location. :param str text: The text to display. :param font_size: The font size of the Text when displayed. :param horizontal_align: The horizontal alignment of the Text. Acceptable\ values are ``left``, ``center`` (default) and ``right``. :param vertical_align: The vertical alignment of the Text. Acceptable\ values are ``top``, ``middle`` (default) and ``bottom``. :param str fill_color: Defaults to '#FFFFFF'. :param opacity: The degree of transparency, from 0 to 1 (0 being\ invisible). :param line_width: Defaults to 0. :param str line_style: The line pattern. Acceptable values are\ ``-`` (default), ``..`` (dotted) or ``--`` (dashed). :param str line_color: Defaults to '#000000'. :param tuple rotation: Any rotation to be applied, in the format\ (x of rotation point, y of rotation point, angle), in degrees. :param dict data: Any data to be associated with the Text. :rtype: :py:class:`.Text`""" self._graphics.append(graphics.Text(*args, **kwargs)) return self._graphics[-1]
[docs] def add_polyline(self, *args, **kwargs): """Adds a :py:class:`.Polyline` to the canvas. :param \*points: The alternating x and y values of the Polyline's\ corners. :param line_width: The width of the edge of the Polyline in pixels. :param str line_style: The pattern of the edges. Acceptable values are\ ``-`` (default), ``..`` (dotted) or ``--`` (dashed). :param str line_color: The colour of the edge. :param tuple rotation: Any rotation to be applied, in the format\ (x of rotation point, y of rotation point, angle). :param dict data: Any data to be associated with the Polyline. :rtype: :py:class:`.Polyline`""" self._graphics.append(graphics.Polyline(*args, **kwargs)) return self._graphics[-1]
[docs] def save(self, path): """Saves the canvas to file as an SVG file. :param str path: The location and filename to save to.""" with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(self.to_svg())
to_svg = svg.generate_canvas_svg """Returns the SVG text of the canvas. Any ``data`` attributes of the Graphics contained will be rendered as SVG attributes. :rtype: ``str``"""